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​1:00–2:00 pm New York

10:00–11:00 am Los Angelos

6:00–7:00 pm London

7:00–8:00 pm Berlin

Book Study Meeting: AA thought for the day/Various Vedic Texts



9:30-10:30 am London

10:30-11:30 am Berlin

2:00-3:00 pm India

6:30–7:30 pm Sydney

8:30–9:30 pm New Zealand

ACA Core Literature/Bhagavad Gita


Tuesday Men’s Meeting

9:00–10:00 am Los Angelos

12:00–1:00 pm New York

5:00–6:00 pm London

6:00–7:00 pm Berlin

9:30-10:30 pm India
Bhagavad Gita / Lust & Sexual sobriety



10:00–11:00 am Los Angelos

1:00–2:00 pm New York

6:00–7:00 pm London

7:00–8:00 pm Berlin

Narcotics Anonymous Basic text/ Bhagavad Gita


Wednesday Men’s Meeting

7:30 am - 8:30 am  (MST)

8:30 am - 9:30am  (CST)

9:30 am - 10:30 am  (EST)

3:30 pm - 4:30 pm (WEST)

4:30 pm - 5:30 pm (EEST)

8:00 pm - 9:00 pm (IST)

SA White Book / Transforming Lust Into Love, By HH Bhakti Tirtha Swami Maharaj

​*Sharings can be done in English/Hindi.*


Wednesday hybrid Philly meeting 

4:00–5:00 pm Los Angelos

6:00–7:00 pm Chicago

7:00–8:00 pm New York

9:00–10:00 am Sydney next morning Thursday



9:30-10:30 am London

10:30-11:30 am Berlin

2:00-3:00 pm India

6:30–7:30 pm Sydney

8:30–9:30 pm New Zealand

Codependents Anonymous CODA Blue Book/

Prabhupada' s books



9:00–10:00 am Los Angelos

12:00–1:00 pm New York

5:00–6:00 pm London

6:00–7:00 pm Berlin

9:30-10:30 pm India

The loving parent guidebook/Bhakti the art of eternal love



10:30–11:30 am Los Angelos

1:30–2:30 pm New York

6:30–7:30 pm London

7:30–8:30 pm Berlin

10:00-11:00 pm India

Overeaters Anonymous Meeting

OA For Today & Nectar of Instruction




10:00–11:00 am Los Angeles

1:00–2:00 pm New York

6:00–7:00 pm London

7:00–8:00 pm Berlin

Adult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional Families Book Study Meeting:

ACA Big Book & Science of Self Realisation



2:30–3:30 pm Los Angeles

5:30–6:30 pm New York

10:30-11:30 pm London

11:30-12:30 am Berlin

Marijuana Anonymous



6:30–7:30 am Los Angeles

9:30-10:30 am New York

2:30-3:30 pm London

10:30-11:30 am Berlin

2:00-3:00 pm India​

Beginners Meeting



10:00–11:00 am Los Angelos

1:00–2:00 pm New York

6:00–7:00 pm London

7:00–8:00 pm Berlin

10:30-11:30 pm India

Adult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional Families Book Study Meeting:

Loving Parent Guidebook & Krishna Book



10:00–11:00 am Los Angelos

1:00–2:00 pm New York

6:00–7:00 pm London

7:00–8:00 pm Berlin

10:30-11:30 pm India

AA & NA Step study 
Prabhupada's literature




Zoom Meeting Room To Join all Zoom Meetings

Meeting ID: 873 5092 9771

Password BRG

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All meetings are open meeting formats, we encourage everyone, regardless of their specific Addiction, or Anartha to join any of the meetings we offer. The exception is the Men’s meetings.

All our meetings are ANONYMOUS and CONFIDENTIAL so remember:
What you hear here, who you see here, let it stay here.


©2024 Bhakti Recovery Group

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