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Bhakti Recovery retreats

Here at the bhakti Recovery Retreats we experience a rare and wonderful opportunity to deepen our understanding of the essence of Bhakti yoga and of the 12 steps of recovery. This is a safe and fully supported space held in the spirit of faith, love and hope.

Working together in a group as well as in quiet meditation, we bring to light what stands in the way of our recovery our connection to Krishna and our spiritual advancement. We learn to use simple spiritual principles that enable us to live in spiritual solutions.

At the retreat we will be studying, reflecting and practicing steps One, Two and Three

  1. We admitted we were powerless over our addictions and associated behaviors- that our lives had become unmanageable.

  2. Came to believe that Krishna, a power greater than ourselves, can restore us to sanity.

  3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of Krishna as we understand Krishna


For each day of the retreat we focus on each step, starting with step 1. We come to see that with each step we get closer to Krishna, Closer to ourselves and closer to our Sangha.

Our program:

  • Study and reflection of 12-Step literature and A.C. Bhakti-vedānta Svāmī Prabhupadas books

  • Gentle slow flow Yoga

  • Still meditation and breath work

  • Morning and evening circle

  • 12 step meetings

  • Kirtan

  • one on one coaching’s (possible upon request)


We will be working side by side with Jiva (click here for more informations).

Our experience shows that when we fully surrender to this process and give 108% of ourselves to this simple way of life, Miracles do happen.

We welcome you to join our sadhu sangha a safe and sacred space for us to heal and prosper.

Looking forward to serving you all HARIBOL!

Bhakti Recovery Swiss Retreat

24th - 27th November 2022






Room and board 510 CHF  / 520 € 

To register CLICK HERE


Bhakti Recovery UK Retreat

30th March - 2nd April 2023











For more information and registration CLICK HERE

©2024 Bhakti Recovery Group

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